Sunday, November 27, 2011

November 27th - Have to get back to the Blogging

So sorry for not blogging, but it's been tough keeping up with all the social media ;-)

NWLB is alive and well, and growing every week.  Tri for the Cure training and clinics have started as well.

- Congrats to an amazing bunch of friends... you ROCKED the house!!

Thank for supporting Tri Scottsdale and NWLB gals!

Kathy said there were many shout outs on the course for NWLB - lots of recognition - love this stuff!!!!

Shawna Folts    11:07:57     4th div.
Cindy Blair    11:47:07   
Kelly Nash    12:26:57   
Beth Brooks    12:27:59   
Cynthia Rodarte    13:51:40   
Deni Ewell    13:55:57   
Shelly Marks    14:27:57   
Kathy Zanath    15:38:52
Tricia Grossman    16:47:33       
Stephanie Dietrick 

NWLB Support Crew
Thanks for riding out to support the Ironman Athletes.

And..... the Turkey Trot Great Turnout - thanks for having fun!